Going for a Dental implant? Here are a Few Things You Must Know

Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Implants is a perfect way to retain your healthy teeth while providing a firm foundation for your dental prosthesis to be kept in place. There was a time when the only solution to replacing missing or broken teeth was using removable dentures or bridges. However, now, dentists can offer a stable means of repair and restoration procedures for missing teeth with titanium dental implants.

But first, what is a dental implant?

Dental implants are screws made from titanium embedded into your jawbone to replace the missing or broken teeth. These are a part of the artificial dental prostheses treatment, including crowns, bridges, or dentures. However, before you decide to go for it and start exploring Affordable DentalImplants Prices and procedures, it is good to research about it. Here are a few facts about dental implants that you must know.

  • Implants have an astounding success rate: Most patients, after the treatment, are happy with their newly restored teeth. The success rate for dental implants varies with the health of the jawbone and gums of an individual patient. Moreover, implants have a high success rate of 95%.
  • Teeth restored by dental implants appear natural: For patients who’ve undergone Same Day Dentist Tooth Extraction and implant procedure, the new set of teeth appear just as natural as the previous ones. Customized restoration makes it almost indistinguishable from the other teeth.
  • Improve the functions of the teeth: If you go for a permanent restoration, you will encounter no problem with your mouth and teeth function.



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